Vitamin D supplement for kids


Is vitamin D important for kids? Do parents need to provide vitamin D supplement for kids? We, as parents are concerned about our kid’s health and supplement can be an option to supplementing them vitamin they might not get sufficiently from their diet. I will be sharing about “Vitamin D supplement for kids”. It is … Read more

Good eating habits for kids

Good eating habits for kids

To be honest, creating good eating habit for kids is just not easy. Sometimes, your kid tends to pick the kind of food he/she wants and only fancy junk food instead really drive you nut. There are ways to prevent unhealthy eating habit for kids and you can impart good and healthy eating habits in … Read more

Best fertility supplements

Best fertility supplements

What are the best fertility supplements you must have during your preconception period? I am writing this article to share with you at least 6 best fertility supplements you must take to increase your chances of getting pregnant. These 6 best fertility supplements are suitable for both women and men. Therefore, for those who are … Read more

Why breast milk is the best?

Why breast milk is the best?

Why breast milk is the best? If you are breastfeeding your child, congratulations! You have done a good job by feeding your child the best nutrients for your baby’s growth. It is recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF that breastfeeding your child at least for 6 months and breast milk is the only … Read more

What is the important nutrient in milk powder?

What is in the milk powder?

What is in the milk powder that mimic breast milk? Let us find out the important nutrient in milk powder. Nowadays, you will see a lot of milk powder products (baby formula) in the market for the growing children and you wonder how to choose the right one for your little one? Well, by reading … Read more

Can you substitute cow’s milk in your baby’s diet?

Can you substitute cow's milk in your babies diet?

Human breast milk is no doubt number 1 milk on earth for our babies. If speaking about ranking for milk based on its nutritional value needed for newborn babies for their growth and development, cow’s milk is the second choice in the listing. Can you substitute cow’s milk in your baby’s diet? Now,  I will … Read more