A baby development chart is basically a simple guide (generally apply to healthy full-term babies), on what to expect in terms of developmental milestones during the first 1 year of a baby’s life.
For first-time moms out there, you will be amazed by how fast your baby grows for the first 1 year, both mentally and physically. Not every child is the same, if you see your child is a smaller size than others of a similar age, do not worry. Every child is growing at their own pace.
For premature babies, they achieve developmental milestones a little differently. If your baby was born a month early, he will probably achieve the milestone one month later than the predicted times in this article.
Be reminded that we do not need to compare our little ones with other babies. If your baby is drinking and eating well, happy and energetic, there is no reason for you to worry about whether he is thriving.
If you are concerned about your baby’s developmental delays or other health issues, you can always talk to your child’s pediatrician.
A baby development Chart (0-6Months)
Baby’s Hearing
Babies are tested their hearing shortly after birth, unless there is a hearing problem, mostly they are born with fully developed hearing.
For the first month after he was born, he is able to respond to sound, for example, he will turn his head to where the voice or familiar sound comes from. Try to clap your hand and see his reaction.
For babies about 4-6 months old, they will start to recognize their names and see their reactions whenever their names are called out. If they have no response, after several attempts, maybe because they can’t hear you. Talk to your baby’s doctor if you have any concerns, the earlier babies are checked for hearing problems, the better chances they will be able to catch up on developmental milestones with the help of a hearing aid.
For the first month, babies can only see some blurry light, shapes, and movement after birth. They can see blurry images or movement in a short distance, it is about the distance between you and your baby when you hold your baby in your arm.
Their eyesight develops rapidly. When they reach about 2-4 months of age, they can see colors. They will be able to see primary colors more clearly and they are easily get attracted to bright, colorful toys. Now, they are able to see objects that are further, about several feet in front of them to all the way across the room.
When babies reach 5 months old, they will be able to see small objects and trace slow-moving objects. Babies’ eyesight will continue to develop, able to see better and clearer images. They are able to see almost like an adult when they reach 6 months of age.
Facial movement
During the first 3 months, you will notice babies will respond to your smile. They are smiling back at you when they see you smile! When they reach 4-6 months old, they will even make babble sounds and laugh!
Physical development
When you put the babies on tummy, they will slightly raise their head and chest. You will also notice babies will open and shut their hands and put the hands to their mouths when they hit 3 months of age.
When the babies reach 5 months of age, most babies are able to lift their head up more firmly, push on their arms, lift their chest off the ground, and roll over. Babies are fast growing so, do not leave your babies unattended on an elevated surface or on a bed as you will never expect when they are able to roll over. I am sure you do not want to get surprises and suddenly you will find them on their tummy.
Some babies may be able to roll over as early as 4 months old. Some babies may even skip the rolling-over milestone and proceed to the sitting and crawling milestone. Babies will grow at their own pace, they learn new skills differently, some slower and some are ahead of others. That’s fine, as long as your baby continues to grow and gains new skills.
A baby development Chart (7-12Months)
Physical development
Sit up
Babies will show signs of sitting up when they reach 6-7 months old. When they have gained better support on their upper body, they will begin to sit with a little help, with support like a cushion or our hand. By eight months of age, they will be able to sit on their own!
When babies are able to sit well without support, most babies will start to crawl when they reach 8 months old. Your baby will start to grow interested in his surroundings and be able to see and explore things by himself. At first, they will learn how to use their hands and knees before moving forward and backward, and just as a matter of time and practice, they get better.
One way you can help them practice is to call your baby’s name from a distance and encourage him to go for you, holding a soft toy. You can also put toys scattered around on the floor, your baby will crawl and pick them up.
Now, your baby is able to crawl and move around in your house. It is better to childproof your house with safety gates, especially at the staircase. You do not want your child to crawl up or down the staircase without adult supervision.
After they learn how to crawl, be ready for the walking milestone. Some babies will start to cruise along while holding onto the furniture, followed by standing unsupported. They will learn to bend their knees, learn to sit down from a standing position too.
By the time they reach 1 year of age, they will begin to walk on their own. Some babies will only learn to walk better when they are 14-17 months or more. That’s ok.
You can help your child to walk independently. Encourage him to walk by holding out your hands, slowly moving towards you. You may want to use a toy that he can hold onto and push, a toy that is stable and has a wide base for support. Just need to be careful that he may fall backwards while walking with this toy. You may check out our baby walking harness to help your baby learn walking.
Read more “Safety at home for children“,”3 year old developmental milestones“