Pregnancy Discharge – What do these 7 colors represent?

pregnancy discharge

Pregnancy discharge is often related to one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Pregnancy causes changes in vaginal discharge. Some changes in colors are normal, but others may indicate infection or other underlying problems. Many women will experience vaginal discharge but not often associated with pregnancy but women who are trying to conceive would experience … Read more

Morning Sickness Remedies

morning sickness remedies

Morning sickness is a natural occurring feeling of nausea when you are in your first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Some lucky ones will not experience any nausea at all but some may have severe symptoms which can affect your daily activities and loss of appetite. Morning sickness remedies are a simple guide to help you … Read more

Can’t get pregnant? What Asian Couples should know

Can't get pregnant

Can’t get pregnant? Do not wait too long to seek for professional help! Based on statistics of total fertility rates in the Asia Pacific region in 2019, the fertility rates among women has obviously fallen in recent years. South Korea, for example, has the lowest fertility rates (by birth per woman) globally at 0.9 children … Read more

Best food to eat during pregnancy

best food to eat during pregnancy

The best food to eat during pregnancy is a food guide given for each trimester to ensure both mother and baby are getting sufficient nutrients throughout the whole pregnancy period. For mothers, eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet during this time will ensure your smooth pregnancy and prevent any complication happens such as high blood … Read more

Supplements to increase breast milk

supplements to increase breast milk

There are supplements to increase breastmilk in the market if you think you are a low supply mother. In this article, we will share about how to increase breast milk naturally from the methods that are proven to be effective, foods that promote milk production and supplements you can take to increase the supply. Only … Read more