How to Discipline a Child? Do Parents’ Empty Threats Work?
Believe it—they’ve heard it all. If you grew up in an Asian household, you know. One of the most common punishments Asian kids receive is empty threats.
This is a sub category of parenting. It gives useful information about teaching and guiding your toddler in social behavior and skills learning.
Believe it—they’ve heard it all. If you grew up in an Asian household, you know. One of the most common punishments Asian kids receive is empty threats.
Stereotyping is widely frowned upon—no one wants to be put in a box. Although things like family values and cultural norms are passed down from generation to generation, it becomes ingrained until it accidentally becomes an identity.
Chinese mothers, with their parenting style that consists of imposing strict rules over their children and unyielding support and warmth raise children that are academically successful.
Temper tantrums are common in toddlers between 1 – 3 years old. Their social and emotional skills are still developing or have only begun developing during this stage, so they don’t really know how to properly express and communicate heavy emotions. They pour it out by crying, kicking, screaming, breaking things, or flailing. They can … Read more
Our children are not born with a sense of respect, and teaching kids about respect will become our job as parents in their early childhood year. Your child must start to learn about respect at an early age to be better citizens in the world when they grow up. But how do you teach your … Read more
Good parenting advice is not one size fits all. Every child is unique and poses different behaviors and characteristic. Your way of teaching and couching may not work for others. But, one thing is for sure. As long as we stick to 5 principles of basic parenting skills, we are absolutely on the right path. … Read more
During the pre-pandemic time, most parents would rely on teachers for educating their children. Children go to school for eight hours a day—somebody’s handling them, which is good news for parents who have to work full-time. When children get home, all they need to do is their homework. But when COVID19 hit forcing children to … Read more
Teaching kids about good manners is one of the important parts of parenting. It is best to start with you as a parent at home during their early childhood years and they will be taught in school as well in most countries. We as a role model for our kids and what we did is … Read more
Stop your parents fighting! It is the worse thing you do in front of your child. We used to think that children may not understand when two adults whom they love so much are fighting. When they start yelling at each other, and worse of all, if involves physical aggression, they can feel the parent’s … Read more
Understanding emotional needs of a baby is important especially when the children are 1-3 years old. They are unable to communicate clearly with parents or caregivers about what they want or need. Let’s us imagine, if you are in your baby’s shoes, and you want something which other people may not understand what you want, … Read more
For me, parenting is always a hard topic to learn and most people have their own personal parenting styles with their successful and unsuccessful stories. Here in this article, i am going to share some useful information about 4 parenting styles – their effect on social behavior of a child. I hope this article will … Read more
How to teach your children well? Many parents are having a tough time teaching their children to behave well. When children reach about 2-3 years old, they begin to have plenty of requests which they want us, as a parent to agree upon. I also have a tough time to teach my daughter about manners … Read more