Wondering how to best announce your pregnancy? Here are our 10 cool pregnancy announcement ideas.
First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy! You must be extremely happy, anxious, and confused all at the same time about your situation. You probably even have no idea how to share the news with your family and friends. Don’t worry though—your feelings are very much valid. This article aims to help you with when and how to tell the exciting news to your loved ones.
While thinking of a cool way to announce the pregnancy, don’t forget to think about pregnancy self-care too! Here’s our guide.
When to announce your pregnancy
When to announce your pregnancy depends on who you are going to tell. Normally, partners are the first to know, followed by close family and friends. Most women are more comfortable doing pregnancy announcements at least after the first trimester. The reason being is that, the risk of experiencing miscarriage is much lower around this period.
How to announce your pregnancy
The internet is the bank of all ideas—and there is a lot of ways to announce your pregnancy and make it memorable. There is nothing to stress about it though. The key is enjoying every moment and steal the idea that will make you the happiest.
Are you ready? Here are some ideas:
#1 Movie posters
“Coming Soon” posters are a nice way of announcing the arrival of your little one. Look up your favorite movie, change the details, and post it on social media. Easy, right?

#2 Do it with food and drinks
With all the weird flavor combinations, late-night cravings, and the drinks to avoid for expecting moms, food and drinks has always been associated with pregnancy. Announce your pregnancy with food and drinks with witty photography and a little bit of creativity. You know you’ll never go wrong with it.

#3 Bake it
If you’re into baking, this is also one of the cutest themes of pregnancy announcement. Get your kitchen dirty with flour and eggs and baking sheets and have fun creating memories with your little one in your belly.

#4 Involve your pets
Your pets have been there for you through it all—surely, they deserve to be part of the game, right? Take their pictures and add a little creativity to it, making sure that your message that you are expecting the newest member of your family.

#5 Let the siblings take the lead
One of the most adorable announcements is the one the comes from actual little ones around your home. Make your elder children do the announcement—a cute photo or a little video clip will surely make the moment memorable for everyone.

#6 Do it with the little things
Little jerseys, tiny shoes, smallest clothespin—anything little can be used in this theme. What’s so good about this idea is that, your message can never be missed. A tiny human is on its way and you can’t wait to tell the world about it.

#7 There’s a new fan in the house
Are you and your partner a big fan of anything? Netflix series, sports team, computer games, or even a music band—all of these can be used in announcing your pregnancy. It can be you in the band shirt or a jersey with a little onesie. It should look absolutely cute.

#8 Play with your interests
Maybe you’re not a fan of music bands and sports teams, but you might have a hobby or a huge interest. It could be hiking, camping, or an extreme sport. Whatever it may be, it can also be used as your theme for the pregnancy announcement. All you have to do is do a photoshoot in the area where you normally do these things and let the news unfold to your friends and family.

#9 Pregnancy tests and ultrasounds can never be outdated
You might think that pregnancy tests and ultrasounds are too old and too common. While you might want something unique for your pregnancy announcement, believe it when we say that you can use your ultrasounds and pregnancy test results and still be unique. You just need to add a little creativity in your photos to come up with a cool material that would bring the big news to your social media friends.

#10 Straightaway announcements never go old
If you’d rather announce it in person, the good, old straightaway announcement never goes old. Gather your close family and friends and announce your pregnancy. Whether you do it casually or hold a cake-cutting ceremony, it’s up to you. There is nothing more precious that being with your loved ones in one of the most important milestones in your life.
There are so many ideas that you can still come up with that weren’t mentioned above. Remember that you do not have to stick with photos, as you can also create video reveals. Just make sure that, when and how you did your pregnancy announcement should reflect who you are. Time will come when you will look back on to this day, smile to yourself, and be thankful of just how you told your amazing news to the world.